With an increase in racist violence and aggression across the country, we are grateful to God for the peace that continues in Woking. Maintaining and developing good relationships across the various faith groups is something we as a ministry, representing the churches of Woking are committed to.
April 2024 Newsletter
This year we saw Easter and Eid being celebrated in the same week. Just before Jesus’ ascension, some of his final words to his disciples in Acts 1 v8 were “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth’.
As followers of Jesus we continue to live by that promise as we continue to witness to the goodness of God with all people of all backgrounds.
November 2023 Newsletter
We have completed a three week Muslim outreach training course, said farewell to one committee member and welcomed another and we are now looking towards Christmas.
We look forward to you taking part in the planned activities.
May 2023 Newlsetter
The God of all nations is at work in Woking and we as a global church family at Across, have the blessing and privilege of supporting one another in reaching out to people of all backgrounds and all faiths living here. Read on to find out more.
Woking People of Faith are looking for more volunteers to support their work that aims to bring people from different faiths together and we like to support their work so do go along to the recruiting event that is planned. Details in the newsletter …
Ramadan, the holy month for Muslims, starts next month and as a Church placed in the heart of a multi-faith community we have the privilege of using this month when Muslims fast, to pray for them in a collective way.
Our newsletter gives more information on the 30day prayer booklet which is a great way to focus our daily prayers in this period.
We also have the opportunity to join the Mahabba Network who are inviting local Christians and Church leaders to join them in online prayer throughout the month. Further details will follows.
August 2022 Newsletter
Sharing Christ's love with the nations is at the heart of Across. We share a few stories on how the Lord has been using us as a Church to reach out to those from other cultures. There is also information on an online training course called 'Joining the Family' to teach you how to best welcome new believers from a Muslim background into your local church.
If you have any stories or information you would like to share on what you or your church might be involved in cross culturally we would love to share it and support you, so do get in touch....
April 2022 Newsletter
Ramadan is starting this week and we as the local church are preparing to pray and engage with our Muslim neighbours and friends. Find out how you can get involved and what prayer events and other cross cultural activities are happening.
January 2022 Newsletter
A new year has begun and it is filled with hope for a return to normality as we find a way to live with the pandemic. As doors open we look for opportunities to share the love of the Lord with those we live amongst from all backgrounds and faiths.
September 2021 Newsletter
Read what some of our team are involved in, some thoughts on Afganistan and welcome churches as well as an opportunity to pray for Hindus as we approach Diwali.
March 2021 Newsletter
Despite continued Covid restrictions, we have carried on meeting through Zoom. Our invited speakers have shared their cross-cultural work with local Muslim teenagers, children in Syria and international students in Surrey, proving that our God continues to use His church to proclaim the name of Jesus.
You can read about it in our latest newsletter …. and find out more about how we can pray for our Muslim friends this Ramadan