How can you get involved?
Come & Pray
We would value your prayers as we work together to see people of all backgrounds become disciples of Jesus Christ. We hold monthly prayer meetings and quarterly prayer breakfasts, inviting all local church members to join us.
come & learn
In order to equip church members to be more effective in reaching out to other cultures, we run specific training courses for ordinary Christians to connect with the diverse community in Woking and the many Muslim neighbours we have.
Come & join us
We offer an opportunity to come together and be educated and encouraged to respond to the needs of others through events such as our quarterly ‘Mahabba Meals’ and through our presence at Community Fun Days.
Every summer, Across host the ‘Across Adult Craft Tent’ at various community fun days run by many of the Woking churches. Our presence is a way of engaging with people of all backgrounds. If you would like to be a part of the team of volunteers who run the craft tent, then please contact us and Get Involved.
The crafts bring a little pleasure to the many women who sit down for a simple craft and conversation while the children play.